
Written by awdev 0/00/2024

I'm back!

That took me more than long enough.

Let me explain. I've been very, very inactive on this website for almost half a year now. Why is this? Well, I've been working on some projects outside of this website (lots of concept stuff that never made it to real life) and I've been kinda neglecting this site. And as you can (maybe) see, I've completely overhauled the website. In my opinion, it looks so much better, and it really shows how I've grown as a web developer over the last year.

So what have I been doing?

That's probably a very useful question to answer. Most of the stuff I've been working on has been around web development, especially with an organization called Hack Club. I've been floating around their Slack server and helping to build some sites for projects that people are working on. One of my favorites has to be The Bin. I helped design (using Figma) and build most of the site that you see today, as well as some of the JavaScript code that runs the website. That code encompasses things like the floating doodads on the landing page, and the prompt to scroll down that fades away as the user scrolls.

I've also been working on a website for a school Code Club. It's basically a terminal emulator and I wrote all of the input buffer and commands stuff. I think it's pretty cool, and if you so choose, you can check it out at this link: Code Club Website.

There's some other stuff that I'm not really ready to make public yet, but I can assure you it's some pretty cool stuff.

That's the end of this blog post. Bye!